Huaniao Art Island
Daily Catch
Daily Catch is a site specific photographic project exploring found take away food inside plastic bags to explore the cultural connotations and food relationship with female identity. Using scan-ography, the artist investigates both the habitat of food and its relation to the culture of using single use plastic bag containers in contemporary China. The images result in unsettling, abstract, larger than life size photographic prints making visible mundane materials and the environmental impacts of food waste.
Artist Bio:
Yan Wang is a visual artist currently working and living in China. Yan uses scanners and alternative photographic processes to develop alternative ways of representing images about food and challenging the conventional notion around food.
Yan received her BFA in Media Arts at Northeastern University in Boston. She was a freelance photographer who worked in New York and Beijing with a focus on fashion and still life photography. She also held several workshops to prompt alternative photographic processes in China. Yan is currently completing her Master of Photography study at RMIT University in Melbourne.